Alabama Department of
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention
Children’s Trust Fund of Alabama


Alabama Department of
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention
Children’s Trust Fund of Alabama


Mental Health Grant Renewed for 2021

Our Department of Mental Health Grant that we received last year was renewed for 2021! We will continue to partner with the Alabama Network of Family Resource Centers to provide 22 one-day, virtual trainings on Strengthening Families™- Preventing and Addressing Trauma from March to September 30, 2021 and are in the process of scheduling those

Accepting Applications for Alabama’s Parent Advisory Council

February 1, 2021 The Alabama Department of Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention, The Children’s Trust Fund, is inviting applications from parents who have a strong interest in joining Alabama’s Parent Advisory Council. This council will include a diverse group of up to 10 parents representing each of Alabama’s seven congressional districts who will meet regularly throughout

2020 CBCAP Evaluation Brief

December 2, 2020 Hot off the press! Please click here to see the CBCAP evaluation brief focused on our respite programs. 

Governor Ivey Announces $200 Million Small Business Grant Program “Revive Plus”

November 18, 2020 Governor Ivey announced a second wave of CARES Act funding for small businesses, non-profits and faith-based organizations in Alabama that have been impacted by COVID19. Revive Plus, a $200 million grant program, will award grants of up to $20,000 for expenses they have incurred due to operational interruptions caused by the pandemic and