Alabama Department of
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention
Children’s Trust Fund of Alabama


Alabama Department of
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention
Children’s Trust Fund of Alabama


Mental Health Grant Renewed for 2021

Our Department of Mental Health Grant that we received last year was renewed for 2021! We will continue to partner with the Alabama Network of Family Resource Centers to provide 22 one-day, virtual trainings on Strengthening Families™- Preventing and Addressing Trauma from March to September 30, 2021 and are in the process of scheduling those trainings and working with the University of Alabama to establish CEUs for the participants. We will continue to market the trainings to grantees, mental health substance prevention workers, juvenile probation officers, Higher Education employees, DHR workers, mental health coordinators, teachers, and youth service workers, etc. More information to follow!

We have shared our work on this grant with the Southeast Adverse Childhood Experiences group (ACEs) and have published an article on the Alabama ACEs website, which will further build upon our collaborative model. To read the article, click here.  We are thrilled to be able to continue this important work.