Anita L. Archie
At Large Member - Board Chair
Anita Archie currently serves as Assistant to the Senior Vice President for Alabama Power. Before her tenure with Alabama Power, Anita Archie served more than 24 years in public service spanning municipal government, state government, and higher education, including serving as interim President of Trenholm State Community College before joining Alabama Power.
Anita Archie began her career as a law clerk for the late Justice Oscar Adams, the first black elected to the Alabama Supreme Court. After her clerkship, Anita joined the Office of the Alabama Attorney General, serving in the appellate and environmental divisions. She later joined the Alabama Legislative Services Agency before leaving to become Lead Counsel for the Alabama Development Office (Alabama Department of Commerce), handling many legal matters relating to recruitment and expansion of business and industry in Alabama. After serving in many other positions within the public sector, Anita joined the Business Council of Alabama as Senior Vice President, Intergovernmental Affairs, Advocacy and Communications, and Legal Counsel. From 2013 to 2017, Anita serviced as Chief of Staff to the Mayor of Montgomery
before adjoining the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs as Deputy Director and Executive Counsel.
She is married to Eric Archie and mother to Erica and Amari Archie.
Board Members
Agency Representatives

Dr. Autumn Jeter
Board Member
Dr. Eric Mackey
Superintendent, Department of Education

Mr. Stan Landers
Board Member
Commissioner Nancy T. Buckner
Commissioner, Department of Human Resources

Mr. Jamey Durham
Board Member
Dr. Scott Harris
State Health Officer, Department of Public Health

Colonel Jonathan Archer
Board Member
Hal Taylor
Secretary, Alabama Law Enforcement Agency

Ms. Beverly Johnson
Board Member
Commissioner Kim Boswell
Commissioner, Department of Mental Health