Sallye R. Longshore
Sallye R. Longshore is the Director of the Alabama Department of Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, “The Children’s Trust Fund”. Mrs. Longshore earned degrees in child development, human development and family life and educational specialist in early childhood education all from the University of Alabama system. She recently was elected to serve on the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children and the advisory board of Adapted Athletics at the University of Alabama. Mrs. Longshore also serves on the steering committee for ACHIA – Alabama Child Health Improvement and the Governor’s Task Force on Human Trafficking. In addition, she serves on numerous boards and commissions in Alabama related to promoting well-being for children. She is a former Board Member of the Children’s Trust Fund Alliance and the Chapter Network Executive Committee of Prevent Child Abuse America. Ms. Longshore has worked in the field of education and child advocacy for forty-eight years. She and her husband, Will, share five grown children and one granddaughter.